Saturday, June 26, 2010

Deer in the yard

Putting this on the blog for Jessie and Jackie. We had a baby fawn in the front yard a few weeks ago. It was there a few hours and mama didn't come for it. We were worried because it was so hot. Neighbors were stopping by and taking pictures. We knew the mama would not come near it, so we moved it back behind the house near the greenbelt. Happy ending, mama came .

Then last Sunday, another fawn was in our back yard behind the fenced area. This one was also laying there for a few hours in the sun. But we left it alone as we figured no one would disturb it until the mama deer came back.
They are so cute when they are little. They grow up and come back and eat your bushes.
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1 comment:

IRENE said...

love it ... i have a friend on facebook that has one as a pet.