Saturday, July 11, 2009

TEXAS HEAT.........WHEW..............

It has been a scorcher here in Texas. Setting records here in Abilene. I was glad I was not near Wichita Falls this week.........they got to 109.

Mom and Dad are doing fine. Dad always tells me things that mom has done during the week ...and tells me " go put it on the computer" ... and Mother says " shutup..... I'm gonna put what you do on the computer!" . He said on the way back from Ft. Worth they stopped at Springtown @ McDonalds and Mom tryed to walk into the kitchen instead fo the restrooms.
Now.......she will be gettiing on me about putting everything on 'THE BLOG" she calls it .

1 comment:

Eddie said...

Our weather for the past month has been rather cool. Usually by fourth of July we are getting scorchers but so far they are just barely getting higher 90s and just a few 100s so far

However,The weather man says that high pressure that has been hitting Texas is starting to move toward New Mexico and should be here within a few days with the 100s and 110s. Our old air conditioner is about 18 years old and we are just keeping our fingers crossed. The last Electric bill was really low so but I know the next one will be devastating. Just keep drinking those "soft" drinks and stay cool. That too "the summer" will pass.