Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Meho!!

You all know who this is cause you know that this is the kid that gets on her the most since his mom is the administrator!!! Hahhaa!!! If someone else would post pictures there wouldn't be this problem---hahaha!

Roper is 18 today. Getting ready for college. He is decided to accept a schloarship offer to South Plains College in Levelland , Texas . Levelland is about 25 mi. west of Lubbock. His schloarship is in Livestock judging. They travel to all the stockshows in Texas and southern states judging . After two years there hopefully he will flow into Texas Tech. Alot of them do that who are on the judging team. They go judge for Texas Tech. I am so excited for him but sad to see him go off.....away from Mom. He wants to go into livestock production ...but he is inspiring to be a state representative one day .........and I know my son can do it. He is just like his grandma and mom.....loves to argue politics.

Happy Birthday to my baby!
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Alice said...

Happy Birthday to you Roper and congrats to you on your scholarship to college. Hope you have a wonderful day.

Theresa said...

Happy Birthday Roper! Congratulations and best wishes!

Linda said...

Happy Birthday To Roper, sorry I am one day late! Wow, 18th birthday, that is cause for celebration. Cannot believe that college time is now around the corner. Enjoy your senior year, the memories will last a lifetime.
Love Linda & Tom