Sunday, May 04, 2008

Ropers Prom

How funny that Tamra's prom was the same night as Ropers! Here he is in his Thrift store prom attire. His girlfriend couldn't go cause she was playing in a softball bi-district championship game at the same time . (SHE WON-BY THE WAY) . He went to the thrift store and bought this bannanna yellow jacket and a blue and yellow tie... we couldn't tie the tie so he didn't tie it till he got to the prom. Crazy kid!! Oh by the way ...I did offer to go buy him something nice ...but he didn't want to go cause his girlfriend couldn't go...
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Alice said...

Leave it to Roper...a banana yellow jacket??? To prom? Oh well at least you didn't have to shell out $$$ for a tux and a limo and all that!!! Didn't they already do that? Was that her prom?

IRENE said...

OH YES he says .... those other goofy guys spend all that money on their tux....and look at him.... he tried selling used cars all night. Yes the other prom was Heathers at Albany.