Monday, April 28, 2008


Lemons and the new year's crop of blooms.
Oranges still on the trees
Our rose tree currently loaded with flowers.

We currently have alot of fresh roses in the house. I thought since everyone is showing flowers I would show some also. How about some of those Texas flowers that should be blooming all over Texas. Y'all should show some pics as well.
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IRENE said...

Yes , your right about the Texas wildflowers...
I will leave that up to the people who live in the HILL COUNTRY!
Wish I could have an orange off that tree!!

Eddie said...

Some of you may already know this but if you click or double click on the pictures you get a full screen and a real closeup of these pictures and you can see every little bit of detail of the leaves.lemons and roses, etc;. They are taken with a Canon S3-IS with 6.2 megapixels.

IRENE said...

Yes ... excellent camera work!! I would have to agree...the detail is wonderful.

Alice said...

Well, I have no flowers...but those lemons look so good. nice would that be to have those in your backyard.