Sunday, August 12, 2007


Since there hasn't been any news on the blog I thought I would start some action.
I guess most of you remember my dog Peetie, at least some of you who may have visited
us in the 90's anyway. Here are a couple of pictures we took way back sometime in the 90's.

Peetie was my great pal. Gosh it's been so long a go but I think she died in around 99 0r 2000.
I have a big picture on my wall to remind me of her but I still really miss her.

Ok people if you don't want to see me and my bitch you had better come up with some new
blog posting and or pictures. That's all for now. "And I don't mind saying so!!!!"
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Michaela said...

LAMO!! :)

aww how my dad loved ur dog too !!!!

IRENE said...

dang........come on people .... surely someone has something going on........... alice???? uh-oh never mind. Too funny, Eddie....