Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Craig Michael Ledsome-OUR HERO

Here is a picture of my friends son who was killed in Iraq in November right after Thanksgiving. I can remember picking him up from day care. This was the last picture they received from him. He also called his dad and told him he KNEW he wasn't coming home. He was killed at a check point when a car blew up when he stopped them.He told his mom in one of his last calls he would really need some help when he got home......to deal with what he had been thru. My friend has another son who also enlisted the same time. He is in Japan . Please pray and keep in mind the moms , dads....wives......& family when you here of someone dying over there. My friend is really having a hard , hard time. She said though, Craig felt like that is where he needed to be and felt like he was making a difference. He left a wife, and a 2 yr. old. boy. He is the blonde headed one.  Posted by Picasa

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