Thursday, November 16, 2006

Update on Rita

Rita seems to be improving...they started a new antibiotic last night and it seems to be working better. She is still having fever and chills but less often. I saw her today and she looked much better AND she is starting to eat again! We know she is better when she is eating! haha The hospital number is:
817_336_2100 Room 428 (Plaza Medical Hospital) if anyone wants to give her a call.


IRENE said...

Talked to Rita today , this morning(Gotta stay in the will) and she said she was ready to go home. She was alittle upset that they might have to check her brain out ,,since she had such a high was offending to her to even suggest she could have suffered some kind of brain damage with the high fever.......ha!!

Alice said...

Rita is home now!