Sunday, September 17, 2006

Since Californians are quiet---

Go to there you will see pics of Roper where he won the calf scramble friday nite at the WEST TEXAS FAIR & RODEO. For those who don't know what that is : they let out 10 calves and 20 kids chase them down. First one to put a halter and bring them in to the center of the ring gets 1st and a $500 check. The check has to be used to buy a livestock animal. He will do anything for money. This is his passion.
website directions:
click view proofs
click west texas fair
click accept copyright agreement
click accept
click page 56 or friday nite scramble
go to pics F597-19, F597-08
there are others ,,,,

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I read on one of your posts that you were having problems uploading pictures. It's a common problem on Blogger. A way around it....
Go to :
(I hope I typed all that correctly!)
Follow her directions for Photobucket. You can upload pictures from Photobucket to Blogger. That's what I'm doing when Blogger is being contrary!!

A friend of Rudy, the Grey Fox