Saturday, August 28, 2010


Today is Rudy and Lila's 45th Wedding Anniversary.
Married August 28, 1965 in Burbank, California
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Friday, August 27, 2010

Update on Rita

Just wanted to let everyone know Rita is still at Plaza Medical Hospital...I believe it has been 13 days now. They are still working to get her platelets back up. They have continued to drop since she has been hospitalized and they cannot figure out why. I talked to her today and she said finally her platelets are coming back up. So she is hoping to go home in a few days. Please keep Rita in your prayers. By the way, her room number has changed...she is now in #608. She will be returning to San Antonio to see her transplant doctors next week.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Alyssa Bobo's first day of Kindergarten

Here is Joe and Eva's great grandaughter ...Davids grand daughter ,,,,Brittany's daughters ..
Alyssa on her first day of school.
I have more to post tomorrow of other family members.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Update on Rita

Just wanted to update Rita's condition__ she is still in the hospital and was told it may be midweek before she goes home. Her platelets are still low and they are trying to determine what is causing that to happen. They did an ultrasound on her liver and spleen a couple of days ago and are giving her a drip of a blood thinner. Rita is feeling pretty good and is so ready to go home. If they put her on coumadin, it will take a few days to regulate it. We have decided Rita is a medical mystery..haha ...we need DR HOUSE!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


WILLIAM L MARTINEZ (aka Willie, Marty)

Today, August 21, would have been Willie's birthday. Let us remember him today as we pause for a moment in remembrance. Happy Birthday Willie.
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Friday, August 20, 2010


For those of you who don't already know, Rita is back in the hospital. I didn't post earlier because we think she is going home everyday..but she is still there. She went to the hospital on Sunday, thinking she was very dehydrated. Actually, her potassium levels were way too high which can be just at dangerous as when they are too low. Not sure what caused that...we think it was one of her meds. Anyway, her blood sugar is very hard to control and until yesterday they could not bring it down. Now, they have determined her blood platelets are dropping and are trying to consult with her transplant doctors in San Antonio about why and what to do. She is really doing well and is not being monitered by any machines there so she is ready to go home. I just wanted to let everyone know that she is in the hospital but seems to be doing pretty well. She is at Plaza Medical Hospital room #409. 817-347-4700__press 6 409.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My California Visit

I made a last minute trip to California Saturday to escape the heat. Again, the weather did not disappoint...70's everyday I was there...that was the high!! Anyway, I connected with Brenda in Valencia and visited with her, Al, and Mason. I also got to see Teresa and her family. Later in the day Brenda and I drove to La Crescenta to visit Betty. It was really great to visit with Betty too. Lindsay came to pick me up there after work. I think Linds found a new hiking trail by Betty's house she wants to try out. It was nice to spend the whole day just catching up with everyone. I have a link below to my pictures. Just copy and paste the link. I will email you the link if you have problems.

Sunday, August 08, 2010


This is Eva and Joe's house on Google Earth Street View. Watch out. They can find you just about anywhere. LOL.
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Saturday, August 07, 2010

Joe and Eva's home

This is what Eva's house looks like from about
5000 feet stright up. That's hi-way 222 with
Knox City to the left and Munday to the right.
Probably should have made it bigger.
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Wednesday, August 04, 2010


Today is Erika Sigal's birthday. Erika is the mother of Michaela, Eric, and Joe Martinez and a bunch of grandkids and is the wife of Franz Sigal of Seattle, Washington. Happy Birthday Erika.
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Sunday, August 01, 2010

Dad and Mom

Took Mom and Dad by W's boyhood home in Midland last week. Mom loved it ..u see Dad holding his nose!